SMFC Control Line Flying Day May 2023

A control line flying day was held at the Shannon Model Flying Club on the 27th of May 2023.

Fabulous weather prevailed throughout the day, which saw fliers arrive from all over the country and as far away as Northern Ireland.
It is indeed a pleasure to see these people control their models,and sometimes you wonder how they can think so fast.
 A great deal of flying was done and enjoyed by everyone that turned up and took part.
I would like to thank all the people that turned up on the day.
A very special thanks to Ralph’s mam for sending up the gorgeous cake that she bakes.
I would like to thank Philip Jones for the excellent preparation of the flying site.
I would also like to thank MACI for their sponsorship of the event.
On behalf of Philip and myself I would like to thank the Shannon Model Flying Club for making the club available on the day.
George Loftus