
Boora MMFC Fun Fly Update

Hi to all members

With great delight I can inform you that MACI have come on board and subvented the MMFC Boora Fun Fly due to take place on 29th- 31st July 2022 weather permitting.

Being in lockdown for two and a half years has created great interest in this year’s event. Flyers want to get out there and have fun. This is where you need to be! So far we have four camper vans and one caravan booked into the car park.

Model Heli Services will be on site from Friday evening so you can give Mark a call on 085-8113610 for all your bits and pieces.

As well as items mentioned on our 2022 Boora poster we will be having a MONSTER BBQ on Saturday evening at 6.00 p.m. A sample of the menu includes garlic bread, our famous BOORA BURGERS with slivers of rib eye steak, chips and onion rings,accompanied with pasta salad,coleslaw and all the sauces and relishes you could wish for cooled down with ice cold minerals. All of this followed by tea or coffee and buns and biscuits.This BBQ is free to all. We have two fridge freezers on site for all your perishable food and you are free to use our 4 gang BBQ for cooking during the weekend but please clean up after use.

We will have a dedicated crew of CDs on duty for the weekend. Please adhere to their direction, as all MACI rules and regulations will be in force onsite. Have your MACI card with you and your IAA number on your aircraft.

Our site will be open on Friday 29th July at 3.00pm and briefings will be at 10am Saturday and Sunday.

There will be a raffle each day for some superb spot prizes.

Our MMFC aim here is for you to enjoy yourself.

Should the weather force us to cancel the event you will be notified by email from the MACI Membership secretary on Thursday 28th July.

With Kind regards,

Declan Heneghan

MMFC secretary.