
A&B Cert Examiners Course & A&B Examinations April 2022

A&B Cert Examiners Course coupled with A&B Examinations.

MMFC Boora



Sunday 24th April wasn’t too bad a day weather wise but was a bit blustery. There was a large contingent of Examiners, 19 in total but we were down on A&B Cert candidates. We made the most of the day with 19 Examiners renewing their Examiner and CD status and 7 new CDs. As numbers were low on the candidate’s we still finished the day with one B Cert Fixed wing and one B Cert Rotary. Lunch was served at 1.00PM and went down a treat with all. Again a lot of Examiners agreed that this type of course where Examiners and Candidate’s come together and especially where the Candidate’s sit in on the part of the course that show the manoeuvres that the Examiners are looking for was the way to go.

Thanks to all Examiners and candidate’s that travelled on the day and a big thanks to the Members of the Technical Commission, Philip Walsh and Liam Broderick. A special thanks also to the MMFC Boora members who gave of their time to make this event a great success.


Declan Heneghan

MACI A&B Cert Coordinator